Type aktivitet:

I kurslokale, Nettbasert


About the IoPT Trauma Conference

Identity-oriented psychotrauma theory and therapy (IoPT) – Offering trauma therapy and training based on Franz Ruppert’s groundbreaking theory and method.

Dr Franz Ruppert

Founder of IoPT, retired professor in psychology at the University of Applied Science in Munich, who during his psychological practice with clients and students became interested in Psychotrauma and its effect on individuals and the society as aw hole.

Author of 11 books published within the field of trauma and translated in many languages. Franz is a renowned speaker highly sought after for his theory and methodology, IoPT with the Intention-method. His most recent book «Self-ecnounter wit the Intention-method» summarizes his ground – breaking work.

This conference, hosted in collaboration with Fagfokus and the Norwegian Trauma Theraphist Association, brings together experts in the field of trauma for two days of insights into the latest developments in practical trauma treatment.

At the Conference, You Will Gain Insights Into:

  • Trauma and Identity
  • Expanding Trauma Theory to societal and political contexts
  • Practical Applications of IoPT in therapy and community work

After the Conference, You Will Walk Away With:

  • deeper understanding of how trauma shapes identity, both individually and collectively, with a focus on transgenerational effects.
  • Knowledge about the IoPT method’s applications in therapy, social work, and broader societal contexts.
  • New perspectives on understanding trauma as a root cause of both individual and societal challenges, and how this knowledge can contribute to healing and growth.

Target Audience:

  • Professionals in health and social sciences: Psychologists, nurses, doctors, special educators, midwives, and others working in relational fields.
  • Therapists and IoPT Practitioners: Especially those aiming to expand their understanding of transgenerational trauma and apply IoPT methods in their work.
  • Community-minded individuals and policymakers: Those looking to understand the role of trauma in societal development, politics, and discrimination.
  • Private individuals interested in personal development: Those seeking a deeper understanding of their identity and how processing trauma can positively transform their lives.

This conference serves as a learning platform for both professionals and interested individuals, emphasizing applicable knowledge in therapeutic and societal contexts alike.Here the translation to English:

The course IoPT Trauma & Identity is approved.

The course IoPT Trauma & Identity is approved by the Norwegian Psychological Association as a maintenance course for specialists with 10 hours. The course is approved for 2 years from 27.11.2024 to 26.11.2026, provided that the content and scope remain unchanged.

If the course is conducted digitally: The approval assumes that the organizer can monitor the participants’ digital presence and can issue participation certificates based on that.



Fredag 9. mai

10:00 - 10:15
Welcome to this years IoPT conference
Our compassion in sharing knowledge about the intricate landscape of the human mind and soul, empower professionals within all kind of social, health or welfare systems, to offer their clients to put into motion their own innate healing power- by the knowledge og the IoPT theory and the Intention-method, in all its aspects.
10:15 - 11:00
What creates a good life
A personal and politicial view on trauma as the reason for alienation - Kamzy Gunaratnam - Member: Committee for health- and welfare, the Norwegian Parliament
Kamzy Gunaratnam
Kamzy Gunaratnam



Marta Thorsheim
Marta Thorsheim

Grunnlegger IoPT Norge
11:15 - 13:00
Dr Franz Ruppert »Trauma and Identity – also in the light of transgenerational trauma» Part 1
A theoretical approach and why knowledge about transgeneratiolan trauma is important when meeting people exposed to trauma. «Whe we know how trauma influences our Identity we may know how to support our clients out of identifications and back to own identity» Founder of IoPT, retired professor in psychology at the University of Applied Science in Munich.
Prof. Dr. Franz Ruppert
Prof. Dr. Franz Ruppert

Professor i psykologi
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 14:45
IoPT in public psychological health care system
15:00 - 15:45
IoPT beyond the therapy room: Trauma, invisible racism and Norway’s forgotten past
Trauma theory is not only useful in a therapeutic setting. It can also help more deeply understand the politics of a world in turmoil and what is currently happening, collectively, in our society. This talk outlines the role of trauma in the perpetuation of hidden and often denied, yet systemic, discrimination in Norway. Understanding trauma can effectively help us become a more cohesive society: by alerting us to the silent suffering of both victims and perpetrators and by making us aware that the roots of discrimination lie in “forgotten” pasts—ghosts that still haunt our present and which we can choose to confront and process.

Lørdag 10. mai

10:15 - 11:30
Part 2: Dr Franz Ruppert » Trauma and Identity - also in the light of transgenerational trauma». A theoretical approach and why knowledge about transgenerational trauma is important when meeting people exposed to trauma. «Whee we know how trauma influences human Identity we may know how to support our clients out of identifications and back to own identity»
Dr Ruppert ; Part 2 and Q&A
Prof. Dr. Franz Ruppert
Prof. Dr. Franz Ruppert

Professor i psykologi
11:45 - 13:00
Perpetrators with victim attitudes
Perpetrators with victim attitudes – Are there any link between victim attitudes in perpetrators identity and transgenerational trauma? Irene Standnes is trained as a IoPT supervisor and facilitator, in addition to her law degree. She has had former positions as executive officer for the Norwegian Government, Ministry of Trade and Business and position as mayoral advisor in Hareid Municipality.
Irene Standnes
Irene Standnes

13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 14:45
A practical case :Couple relation – how transgenerational trauma affected our couple relationship and the way out
In the light of IoPT theory and the Intentionmethod for couple therapy. Patriksson works as family advisor in the Stockholm county, Sweden
Lill Heidi Patriksson
Lill Heidi Patriksson

IoPT traumeterapeut
15:00 - 15:30
I’m trying to break free: I don’t want my daughter to experience what I did – those difficult experiences with other people
Roth deals with how mothers who experience psychological challenges reflect about their own role as mothers, their own positioning, and the value of IoPT. Her latest research interests include parents to children with poorly defined challenges and worries, and/or who have psychological challenges, and how their positional identities may change across contexts and over time. The contexts are everyday life within the family and in the neighborhood, kindergarten, school and the majority societal impulses/discourses.
Solveig Iren Roth
Solveig Iren Roth

15:30 - 16:00
Paneldiscussion - all presenters
Sted - Adresse
  • Sted/Lokaler:
  • Gateadresse:
    Wergelandsveien 29
  • Postnummer:
  • Poststed:
Kart - Veibeskrivelse

Earlybird og gyldige ved påmelding frem til og med 31. desember 2024.

Billetter Early Bird Ordinær pris
Fysisk deltakelse
Fremste rader, reserverte plasser. 3200,- 3600,-

VIP | Medlem NTF
Fremste rader, reserverte plasser. 1800,- 2200,-
Ordinær plass 2800,- 3200,-

Digital deltakelse
En digital deltaker, gyldende for én person. 2300,- 3000,-
Digital deltakelse gruppe 5
For opp til 5 deltakere. 7200,- 7700,-
Digital deltakelse gruppe 10
For grupper opp til 10 deltakere. 12600,- 13200,-
Digital deltakelse gruppe 15
For opp til 15 deltakere. 16200,- 19800,-

Praktiske detaljer

Tider: 9. mai 10:00-15:45 og 10. mai 10:15-16:00
Vi vil tilrettelegge for to gode dager sammen med Dr Ruppert. Han vil holde foredrag for oss og gjøre selvmøter, også for deg som ønsker veilednings selvmøte, enten du er Traumeterapeut eller veileder IoPT eller arbeider på annen måte i møte med mennesker. Alle vi som arbeider i nære møter med andre, trenger egen veiledning innimellom, det sikrer oss å bedre kunne møte den andre og bedre ta vare på oss selv i møte med andre.


Institutt for Traumearbeid


Ewelyn Hysing-Olsen





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